3 and Over
This is a beginner drill for players to learn and understand the three touch rule.

3 and Over

This is a beginner drill for players to learn and understand the three touch rule.

3 and Over


Six players on each side of the net


Have server throw the ball over the net to the opposing team.  The opposing catches the ball, throws the ball to their setter, who throw it to their hitter, who then throws it over the net to the other team. Allow players time and practice to understand the three touch rule before adding in passing and/or setting.  Catching the volleyball allows the players time to process which touch they are and how many more are allowed before the ball must be sent over the net. 


*Coach can toss in the ball to start the drill instead of it being served (thrown) into play

Coaching Points

*Looking for holes on the other side of the net, this shows players how to place the volleyball to where it will be a gain in point for their team

*Call out positions for players to learn positions and names of positions

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3 and Over

This is a beginner drill for players to learn and understand the three touch rule.

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