Ball Control: 25 Contact Drill
This drill is to practice ball control, communication, teamwork, and warm up for hitting.

Ball Control: 25 Contact Drill

This drill is to practice ball control, communication, teamwork, and warm up for hitting.

Ball Control: 25 Contact Drill


1.  3 players on each side of the net: Middle back, setter, outside hitter

2.  Players rotate in from middle back where the line is


1.  Coach enters free ball to player at middle back position

2.  Middle back passes to setter
3.  Setter sets to outside hitter
4.  Outside hitter hits a controlled hit to middle back on opposite side of the net; approach and swing or down ball
5. Players follow their ball: Passer goes to setter, setter to hitter, hitter to end of line at middle back
6.  Count contacts out loud with the goal being trying to get 25 contacts before the other team does


1.  Increase goal based on skill

2.  Add a fourth player to the rotation
3.  Set up two courts to have a competition

Coaching Points

1.  Players should be loud and calling every ball

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Ball Control: 25 Contact Drill

This drill is to practice ball control, communication, teamwork, and warm up for hitting.

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