Individual Serving Relay
This volleyball drill will practice serving accurately and getting to a base position as quickly as possible.

Individual Serving Relay

This volleyball drill will practice serving accurately and getting to a base position as quickly as possible.

Individual Serving Relay


1.  3 servers on the serving line starting with one volleyball each

2.  extra volleyballs at their base defense position (this image shows it for being the three front row players)


1.  Players each have a volleyball on the serving line

2.  Players serve to a zone
3.  Then they sprint to their base defensive position, pick up a volleyball, and sprint back to the serving line
4.  Repeat as desired with a scoring method from below:
  * 1 point for an accurate serve, -1 point for an error, player is trying to get specified number of points
  * Pre-set a specified time where players have to get a certain number of accurate serves in that time period
  * Player with the most number of accurate serves wins when a specified time period is up


1.  Can have other players behind the serving line, waiting for their turn to rotate and switch with server

Coaching Points

1.  Making sure players get back to the serving line quickly, but still have control and take their time for a good serve

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Individual Serving Relay

This volleyball drill will practice serving accurately and getting to a base position as quickly as possible.

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