Individual Setting Drill
This is a individual volleyball setting drill that focuses on setting ball control and overhead passes. This setting drill can be performed at home or during training.

Individual Setting Drill

This is a individual volleyball setting drill that focuses on setting ball control and overhead passes. This setting drill can be performed at home or during training.

Individual Setting Drill


  1. Each player works on setting/overhead passes on their own. This will allow for the maximum number of contacts in a short period of time.


  1. Each player performs 30 continuous overhead/setting passes to themselves 30 times while not allowing the ball to touch the ground. 
  2. Repeat the contacts for 30 times. This time every set should go about 6-feet above the player's head.
  3. Repeat the contacts again for 30 times. This time, have the player make a 6-inch set followed by a 6-foot set and alternate between the each contact.
  4. Repeat the contacts again for 30 times. This time, have the player spin 90 degrees after each set pass.
  5. Repeat the contacts again for 30 times. This time, mark off an area with polyspot markers and the player must perform all of the overhead passes/sets inside this area.


  • You can increase or decrease the number of contacts based on the skill level of the players.
  • Make the players start over at 1 each time the ball hits the floor until they reach the set number of contacts.

Coaching Points

  • Moving under the ball before setting 
  • Feet shoulder width apart or slightly wider with one foot slightly ahead of the other 
  • Knees bent slightly & weight evenly distributed on the balls of feet 
  • Hands are cocked in anticipation of the set with your fingers firm and elbows out at a 45 and 90 degree angle. 
  • When setting use the fingers using the ring and pinkie to stabilize the ball. The more surface area touched the better control. 
  • Take the set around the forehead and use entire body to push it towards the hitter. 
  • Follow through with your hands after the ball is released.

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Individual Setting Drill

This is a individual volleyball setting drill that focuses on setting ball control and overhead passes. This setting drill can be performed at home or during training.

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