Lateral Passing: 3 touch
This drill will teach players how to practice passing using lateral passing techniques.

Lateral Passing: 3 touch

This drill will teach players how to practice passing using lateral passing techniques.

Lateral Passing: 3 touch


  1. Three tossers
  2. Three passers starting at a cone
  3. Three passers waiting to enter drill at serving line


  1. Passer starts at cone.
  2. Tosser tosses ball back and to the passer's right.
  3. Passer retreats and executes a right side lateral pass back to tosser.
  4. Passer returns to cone and touches cone.
  5. Tosser tosses ball back and to the passer's mid-line.
  6. Passer retreats and executes a forearm pass to tosser.
  7. Passer returns to cone and touches cone.
  8. Tosser tosses ball back and to the passer's left.
  9. Passer retreats back and executes a left side lateral pass to tosser.
  10. Repeat for a preset number of contacts (use a multiple of three).


  • Change order of passes

Coaching Points

  • Watching to see that players are moving the correct direction and staying low

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Lateral Passing: 3 touch

This drill will teach players how to practice passing using lateral passing techniques.

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