Middle Back Defensive Positioning and Movement
This defensive drill focuses on the middle back player's movement around the back of the court.

Middle Back Defensive Positioning and Movement

This defensive drill focuses on the middle back player's movement around the back of the court.

Middle Back Defensive Positioning and Movement


  1. Set up two hitters near the net on the left and right side of the court with a supply of balls.
  2. Position the middle hitter at the baseline facing each of the hitters.
  3. Set a pollyspot marker near the baseline in the middle of the court. 
  4. Place two markers a few feet from the base line about 5-7 feet from the starting position.


  1. On the coaches command, the middle hitter moves into the right zone with good defensive body posture by making an arching run.
  2. As the middle hitter approaches the zone, the hitter on that side hits a ball into this area. 
  3. The middle back player must make a arching run and return a playable ball to the hitter using the forearm pass.
  4. Immediately the middle hitter sprints around the starting cone and into the left zone.
  5. As the middle back players approaches this zone, the hitter on this side hits a ball into this area to be returned again by the middle back using the forearm pass.
  6. Switch players after a certain number of contacts or a period of time.
  7. Instruct the remaining players to shag balls for the hitters.


  • Return the ball to a target on the other side of the net.
  • Vary the type of balls forcing the player to adjust to the type of hit or dig.

Coaching Points

  • Focus on the middle back player making quick movements to get into defensive positioning quickly.

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Middle Back Defensive Positioning and Movement

This defensive drill focuses on the middle back player's movement around the back of the court.

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