No Easy Points! Serve Receive
This drill is to practice serve receive, and understand the importance of a good pass!
- One server
- A team of 6 on the receiving side opposite the server
- Three blockers on the same side as the server
- Players on receiving side set up in serve receive for their first rotation.
- Server serves to serve receive team.
- Players pass set and hit.
- Blockers attempt to block.
- Receiving side must get three hard swings in a row in order to rotate.
- Change server when receiving team rotates.
- Repeat until receiving side rotates all the way around.
- Change the goal to suit the team, either increase or decrease the number of swings necessary to rotate.
- Instead of hard swings the goal could be the setter must be able to run the middle or right side attacker three times in a row.
Coaching Points
1. Making sure that players are concentrating on a good pass before worrying about anything else. A good pass will equal a good play.
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