Pass and Weave
This volleyball drill helps to practice moving left to right and passing, while staying in a low position while moving to the ball.

Pass and Weave

This volleyball drill helps to practice moving left to right and passing, while staying in a low position while moving to the ball.

Pass and Weave


  1. Three tossers
  2. A passer with a passing line ready to fill in
  3. Three volleyballs to use as markers or you can use cones


  1. Players start in a ready position, receive a ball and pass back to target.
  2. Player shuffles and weaves around ball.
  3. Player receives another ball and passes back to target.
  4. Player shuffles behind ball.
  5. Player receives last ball and shuffles in front of ball.
  6. Player sprints back to line.
  7. The next player steps into the drill immediately after the target receives the pass from the person in front of them.


  1. Go in the reverse direction.
  2. Add more balls and tossers.

Coaching Points

  • Checking for correct footwork

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Pass and Weave

This volleyball drill helps to practice moving left to right and passing, while staying in a low position while moving to the ball.

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