Passing Technique Warm up
This drill demonstrates how to practice moving in a low position and directing the platform to the target.

Passing Technique Warm up

This drill demonstrates how to practice moving in a low position and directing the platform to the target.

Passing Technique Warm up


  1. Cones set up in a particular path for passers to follow


  1. Place cones in a W patters on the court.
  2. Players move from cone to cone in a low passing position.
  3. At each cone player mimics a pass to the target, focusing on keeping the platform directed to it.
  4. Players follow the path laid out in the diagram.
  5. Repeat for a preset number of times.


  • Coach can toss a ball at each come after technique has been learned

Coaching Points

  • Coach is watching to make sure passer is facing their designated target

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Passing Technique Warm up

This drill demonstrates how to practice moving in a low position and directing the platform to the target.

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