Perfect Passes
This drill is to practice passing multiple repetitions, staying low and shuffling.

Perfect Passes

This drill is to practice passing multiple repetitions, staying low and shuffling.

Perfect Passes


1.  Two tossers

2.  Two targets
3.  Two passers


  1. Tosser uses a double overhead motion to toss ball to passer.
  2. Passer attempts to pass ball to target.
  3. Target catches ball.
  4. Tosser goes to pass, target goes to toss, passer goes to target.
  5. Repeat for a set number of perfect passes. (Generally a larger number, 50-100)


  1. Teams get -1 for a non perfect pass.
  2. Passer uses overhead pass only.

Coaching Points

  • Making sure the players are staying low in ready position

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Perfect Passes

This drill is to practice passing multiple repetitions, staying low and shuffling.

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