Set and Switch
This is a three person setting drill where the middle players switches directions.
Group of three with one volleyball
1. Players should be in a straight line with space in between each person
2. The setting pattern for the drill is as follows: the left players starts the drill with a toss to the middle player above their head, the middle players sets straight up above their own head, dows a 180 degree turn to face the right player and sets to the right player.
3. The right player does a set back to the middle player, who then sets straight up above their own head, does a 180 turn to face left player, and sets to the left player.
4. Pattern continues until the ball touches the floor.
1. Coaches can change the number of sets the middle player does to self before setting to left or right player.
1. Switch out middle player with other players.
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Set and Switch
This is a three person setting drill where the middle players switches directions.
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