Setting and Overhead Passing Warm-up
This volleyball setting and overhead passing warm-up focuses on setting and passing with the overhead pass. This is a great setting drill that focuses on movement after the pass and looking for open areas of the court.

Setting and Overhead Passing Warm-up

This volleyball setting and overhead passing warm-up focuses on setting and passing with the overhead pass. This is a great setting drill that focuses on movement after the pass and looking for open areas of the court.

Setting and Overhead Passing Warm-up


  1. Split the team into two teams of 6.
  2. The coach should have a supply of balls outside the court near the net.


  1. The coach will begin the play by tossing a ball into play alternating sides each time.
  2. The players can only use the overhead pass during this game.
  3. After the player passes the ball using the overhead pass, they must sprint to the end line and return before they can make another pass.
  4. Play rally scoring to 10.
  5. Players can return the ball on their first, second or third contact.


  • Limit players to only return the ball on their 3rd contact to encourage passing to their teammates.

Coaching Points

Players must be encouraged to use proper technique when setting the ball such as:

  • Moving to the ball before setting
  • Feet shoulder width apart or slightly wider with one foot slightly ahead of the other
  • Knees bent slightly & weight evenly distributed on the balls of feet
  • Hands are cocked in anticipation of the set with your fingers firm and elbows out at a 45 and 90 degree angle.
  • When setting use the fingers using the ring and pinkie to stabilize the ball. The more surface area touched the better control.
  • Take the set around the forehead and use entire body to push it towards the hitter.
  • Follow through with your hands after the ball is released.

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Setting and Overhead Passing Warm-up

This volleyball setting and overhead passing warm-up focuses on setting and passing with the overhead pass. This is a great setting drill that focuses on movement after the pass and looking for open areas of the court.

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