Short Serve Competition
This drill focuses on serving short, inside the ten foot line.

Short Serve Competition

This drill focuses on serving short, inside the ten foot line.

Short Serve Competition


1.  Two teams on both serving lines, competing against each other


1.  Team divides in half, each on their own serving line

2.  Teams will alternate servers in a set order
3.  Teams score points for each serve that is serve inside the ten foot line
4.  Teams get +2 points for a good, short serve, -1 point for a missed serve in the net or out of bounds, and 0 points for a complete serve that is not in the short zone
5.  Team that gets to a specified number of points first wins


1.  Can add in conditioning by sprinting to the other teams serving line and back after a player serves

Coaching Points

1.  Observing swing of the server, making sure they are serving more of a floater serve to land it inside the ten foot line

View Count: 20276

Short Serve Competition

This drill focuses on serving short, inside the ten foot line.

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