Two Way Pepper
This drill is to practice ball control over the net while keeping players focused on where the volleyball is coming from.

Two Way Pepper

This drill is to practice ball control over the net while keeping players focused on where the volleyball is coming from.

Two Way Pepper


1.  Two back row players on one side of the net

2.  Two back row players on opposite side of the net


  1.   Starting players start with a down ball straight across to the player in front of them
  2.   Those two players pass to themselves, set to themselves, and down ball hit cross court to opposite players
  3.   The receiving players pass to themselves, set to themselves, and down ball hit straight across
  4.   Repeat pattern of one side doing cross court and one side doing straight across to players


  1. Players must take an approach and hit a controlled ball to partner.
  2. Players must receive the first contact overhead and hit the second contact.

Coaching Points

1.  Encouraging players to call every ball

2.  Calling out loud:  "cross court" may help

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Two Way Pepper

This drill is to practice ball control over the net while keeping players focused on where the volleyball is coming from.

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