Volleyball Passing Run Through and Short Pass
This is a great warm up drill that focuses on correct passing form when running cross court or short.
One line of players
Have the players line up at either right back or left back. When the coach signals (ball slap or whistle) the first player runs cross court to the opposite side and passes the tossed ball to the target area. If the player starts at right back, they are running to left back to pass the ball that the coach has already tossed. This should be a hard pass to make. They must get their quick, turn their body to where their shoulders are facing the designated target and complete the pass. As soon as the ball is passed the coach will toss a "short" pass to left front, where the player must quickly pass a short ball up to the target. After the players have done this drill going from right back to left back. Go the opposite way to work the other direction of the court, left back to right back.
Coach can have two players on the opposite side of the net being the defensive players and passing the balls that come over the net.
Looking for players to run cross court and turn their bodies to face the passing target. Want to get shoulders to face where they want to pass it to.
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Volleyball Passing Run Through and Short Pass
This is a great warm up drill that focuses on correct passing form when running cross court or short.
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