Volleyball Serving Drill - Ten Zones
This volleyball serving drill will put pressure on the server to concentrate and make an accurate serve.

Volleyball Serving Drill - Ten Zones

This volleyball serving drill will put pressure on the server to concentrate and make an accurate serve.

Volleyball Serving Drill - Ten Zones


  1. The coach splits the court into 6 zones marked with tape or cones.
  2. Coach has 10 balls on a ball rack near the server.
  3. The server stands on the end line in position to serve.


  1. As the coach hands a ball to the server, the coach calls out a zone for the server to hit.
  2. If the server is successful they are awarded a point.
  3. If the serve misses the zone, there is no point awarded.
  4. If the server miss serves the serve, -1 point is deducted.
  5. Each server gets 10 serves.
  6. The server with the highest score wins.


  • Have the players serve until they get 10, and count the number of attempts to get 10.

Coaching Points

  • Proper serving technique.

View Count: 31414

Volleyball Serving Drill - Ten Zones

This volleyball serving drill will put pressure on the server to concentrate and make an accurate serve.

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