Volleyball Serving Relay
This drill allows players to serve while under "game like" pressure.

Volleyball Serving Relay

This drill allows players to serve while under "game like" pressure.

Volleyball Serving Relay


1.  2 even teams behind serving line on same side of net

2.  One volleyball per team


1.  The first player from each team serves the ball

2.  The server  must go and retrieve their serve
3.  If they missed their serve, they must serve again until a serve is made
4.  If they made their serve, they retrieve the ball and gives it to the next person in line
5.  Continue until everyone on the team has served successfully
6.  First team to finish is the winning team


1.  Serve to one specified zone

2.  Each member of the team can serve to a different zone
3. Advanced - team starts completely over if a team member misses a serve

Coaching Points

1.  Coach is watching for correct serving form and the players not to rush their serve

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Volleyball Serving Relay

This drill allows players to serve while under "game like" pressure.

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