Volleyball Set and Switch Drill
This is a great volleyball setting drill that focuses solely on the overhead pass.

Volleyball Set and Switch Drill

This is a great volleyball setting drill that focuses solely on the overhead pass.

Volleyball Set and Switch Drill


  1. Split the team into groups of 4 with 1 ball per group.
  2. The group of 4 players stand in a line about 10 yards apart with two players standing in the middle with their backs to each other.


  1. One of the outside players will start with the ball.
  2. The outside player tosses the ball up and sets the ball to the middle player facing them, who returns it back to the starting player.
  3. The starting player now sets the ball to the farthest player and switches with this middle player.
  4. The other outside player now in possession of the ball follows the same pattern and sets it to the middle player who returns it to the same outside player.
  5. The ball is again set to the farthest outside player and switches roles with the middle player facing them.
  6. The patter should continue.


  • NA

Coaching Points

  • Focus on good setting technique to the target.

View Count: 21494

Volleyball Set and Switch Drill

This is a great volleyball setting drill that focuses solely on the overhead pass.

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